

Technical Name: Metaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP
CIR No CIR - 29,434 / 98 / Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (WP)-104
Packing 100gm, 500gm, 1 kg, 5 kg
Crop: Graps, Tobacco
Disease/Pest: Dowly Mildew, Damping Off
Dosage: 800gm-2kg / Acre
Symptom Sedation, dyspnoea, exophthalmus, curved posture and ruffled for.
First Aid 1. In case of poisoning by ingestion through stomach, victim should be induced to vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths by soap and water and remove the contaminated clothes and keep the victim in fresh air.
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Azoxy Top

Technical Name: Azoxystrobin 18.2% w/w + Difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC
CIR No CIR-172049/2020 Azoxystrobin + Difenoconazole (SC) (414)- 884
Packing 25ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1 Ltr
Crop: Chilli, Tomato, Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Wheat, Sugarcane, Onion
Disease: Anthracnose & powdery mildew Early Blight and late Blight, & Downy Mildew, Leaf Spot & Grey Mildew, Rust & Powder Mildew
Dosage: 200ml/Acre
Symptom "Poisoning may cause symptoms of activity decrease, pupil dilation, moderate foot withdrawal, reduce splay reflex, increased breathing depth and reduced breath rate etc."
First Aid "Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the affected parts of body with water by soap and water. Inhalation: Remove the affected person from the danger zone to well-ventilated room or to fresh air and protect from undercooling. In case of suspected poisoning: Seek medical advice immediately. Eye contact: Immediately irrigate with eye wash solution or clean water, holding the eyelids apart, for atleast 15 minutes. Obtain immediate medical attention. If swallowed: Repeatedly administer medical charcoal in plenty of water. Seek medical advice if a large volume of concentrate was ingested. Note: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious patient and do not induce vomiting."
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Technical Name: Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP
CIR No CIR-43,522/2003Carbendazim +Mancozeb (WP)(230)931
Packing 20gm, 50gm, 100gm 250gm, 500gm 1 kg
Crop: Paddy, Groundnut
Disease: Blast, leaf spot, Rust
Dosage: 200-300 gm / acre
Symptom Sweating, headache, lethargy, coughing , sneezing, itching, nausea, vomiting may occur.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air."
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Technical Name: Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP
CIR No CIR-111659/2014 -Captan +Hexaconazole(WP) (344)-32
Packing 25gm, 50gm, 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1 kg
Crop: Potato & Chillies
Disease: Early blight, Late blight & fruit rot (Anthracnose)
Dosage: 200-400 gm / Acre
Symptom Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irritation of nose, throat and bronchia may be allergic to some persons.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air."
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Technical Name: Tebuconazole 2% D.S.
CIR No CIR-64,052/2010Tebuconazole (D.S.) (307)- 64
Packing 100gm, 250gm, 500gm 1 kg
Crop: Wheat
Disease: Loose Smut, Flagsmut
Dosage: 4gm / Acre
Symptom Weakness,Patigue, Disponea may occur.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air."
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Technical Name: Tebuconazole 25.9% EC
CIR No CIR - 101083 / 2012 - Tebuconazole (EC) (322)1
Packing 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr
Crop: Poddy, Chilli, Groundnut
Disease: Blast, Sheath Blight, Fruit Rot, Powdery Mildew, Tikka & Rust
Dosage: 200 – 300 ml/ acre
Symptom Weakness, Fatigue, Dyspnoea.
First Aid If the chemicals is inhaled, get the victim into fresh air, apply artificial respiration if breathing has stooped. Induce vomiting by giving a table spoon of salt in a glass of warm water. If symptoms of poisoning occurs call the physician immediately. If splashed in the eyes, wash with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected parts with soap and water
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Technical Name: Propiconazole 25% EC
CIR No CIR-53,549/2006-Propiconazole(EC)(263)-123
Packing 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr
Crop: Wheat
Disease: Karnal Bunt, Leaf & Brown Rust, Yellow Rust Stripe Rust, Stem Rust
Dosage: 200 ml/ acre
Symptom Sedation, dyspnoea, Abnormal Posture may occur.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air."
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Technical Name: Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP
CIR No CIR - 29,438 / 98 / Thiophanate Methyl(WP)84
Packing 50gm, 100gm,250gm,500gm
Crop: Wheat, Papaya, Apple, Tomato. Bottle gourd, Pigeon, Peas, Curcurbits.
Disease: Powdery Mildew, Scab, Brown Rust Leaf Blight, Anthracnose fusarium ring rot.
Dosage: 300-575 gm/ acre
Symptom Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Gidiness Irritate to Eye, Nose and skin.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling in back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths with plenty of water and soap and apply emollient cream. "
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Technical Name: Sulphur 80% WDG
CIR No CIR-53,548/2006-Sulphur(WDG) 263-1523
Packing 5kg
Crop: Grapes, Apple, Cumin, Mango, Couspea, Guor, Pea
Disease: Powdery Mildew
Dosage: 750gm/ 1kg
Symptom Nausea, vomiting, headache and irritation to the bronchii, eyes and lungs may occur.
First Aid "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air."
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Technical Name: Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC
CIR No CIR-166533/2019 Azoxystrobin + Tebuconazole (SC) (404)636
Packing 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr
Crop: Wheat, Patato, Tamato, Chilli & Rice
Disease: Fruit Rot, Powdery Mildew, Dieback, Sheath Blight, (Rhizoctonia solani) Yellow Rust, Early and Late Light
Dosage: 240-300 ml / Acre
Symptom Iirritating to eyes. may cause sensitization by skin contact.
First Aid "1. Inhalation: remove victim to fresh air. keep victim warm and at rest. if breathing is difficult, give oxygen obtain medical attention. 2. Ingestion: do not induce vomiting. wash out mouth with plenty of water. rinse mouth before giving glass of water. never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. if breathing is difficult, give oxygen get medical attention. 3. Skin contact: remove affected clothing and wash all exposed skin area with soap and water followed by warm water rinse. consult a doctor in the event of any complaints. 4. Eye contact: wash off with plenty of water if pain persists, consult an eye specialist."
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Glow Plus

Technical Name: Hexaconazole 5% SC
CIR No CIR -62,301/2009-Hexaconazole(SC)(298)-562
Packing 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr, 20 ltr
Crop: Mango, Rice, Grapes
Disease: Powdery Mildew, Sheath Blight
Dosage: 80ml/ acre
Symptom Nausea, anxiety, tremors, convulsions, allergic, manifestations may occur.
First Aid "1. In case of poisoning by ingestion through stomach, victim should be induced to vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths by soap and water and remove the contaminated clothes and keep the victim in fresh air. "
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Technical Name: Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65 % WG
CIR No CIR-166368/2019 Tebuconazol e + Sulphur (WG) (404)1133
Packing 250gm, 500gm, 1kg
Crop: Chilli, Soybeen
Disease/Pest: Powdery Mildew, Fruit rot, Leaf Spot and Pod blight
Dosage: 500gm/Acre
Symptom Headache, Dizziness, weakness, nausea, sore throat, chest pain, lightheadedness, sneezing, coughing and may cause irritation of skin mucous membranes.
First Aid If splashed into eyes, wash with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected parts with soap and water. If the chemical is inhaled, get the victim into fresh air. Apply artificial respiration in case of difficult to breathing. Do not give anything by mouth to unconscious persons. If person is conscious rinse the face with water. Do not induce vomiting. Allow the patient to consume 1-2 glass of water. Call the physician immediately.
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Ever Glow

Technical Name: Hexaconazole 5% + Validamycin 2.5 % SC
CIR No CIR-161889/2019-Hexaconazole + Validamycin(SC)(399)-1243
Packing 500ml, 1lt, 5lt.
Crop: Paddy
Disease: Blast, Sheath Blight
Dosage: 400ml / Acre
Symptom Nervousness, headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, tremors, convulsions, allergic manifestations may occur.
First Aid Skin Contamination: Skin contamination should be treated promoptly by washing with soap and water with plenty of water if dermal irritation persists medical attention should be obtained without delay. Eye contamination: Immediately flush contaminated eyes gently with flowing water for 15 minutes if ocular irritations persists medical attention should be obtained without delay.
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Technical Name: Isoprothiolane 40% EC
CIR No CIR-164574/2019Isoprothiolane (EC) )399)-111
Packing 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1lt.
Crop: Rice
Disease: Blast
Dosage: 300ml / Acre
Symptom Nervousness, anxiety, tremor, convulsions and allergic manifestations may occur.
First Aid If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Repeat it until the vomitus is clear. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscius. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the clothes and wash the contaminated skin with copius amount of soap and water. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of saline/ clean water for about 10 to 15 minutes.
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Mass M-45

Technical Name: Mancozeb 75% WP
CIR No CIR - 19,873 / 94 / Mancozeb (WP)-450
Packing 100gm,250gm,500gm,1kg
Crop: Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Jowar, Potato, Tomato, Chillis, Beans, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Bittrguard, Onion, Ginger, Cauliflower, Soyabean, Groundnuts, Sunflowers, Urid, Graps, Coconuts, Walnuts, Gauva, Banana, Apple.
Disease/Pest: Brown & Black Rust, Blight, Leaf Blight, Blast, Leaf Stop, Late & Early Blight, Fruit Rot, Ripe Rot, Yellow Disease, Collar Rot, Dowly Mildew, Scab & Sooty Bloth.
Dosage: 600gm-800gm / Acre
Symptom Nausea, voiting, abdominal pain, ilairhoea, if swallowd. When inhaled as fine dust irrigation to bronchail tubes and lungs tissues.
First Aid 1. Induce vomiting by administering a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water or inserting finger into throats until vomit fluid is clear. In case of suspected poisoning call the physician. 2. Wash contaminated skin with copious water. If eyes are contaminated wash with plenty of clean water for 15 minutes and refer to Doctor.
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Technical Name: Copperoxy Chloride 50% WP
CIR No CIR - 21,760 / 95 / Copperoxych loride(WP)578
Packing 100gm, 250gm, 500gm 1gm
Crop: Banana, Betal, Chillies, Citrus, Coffee, Paddy, Coconut, Patato, Tea, Tobacco, Tomato, Graps
Disease/Pest: Leaf Spot, Fruit Rot, Foot Rot, Canker, Black Rot, Rust, Blight, Bud Rot, Early & Late Blight, Frog Eye, Black Shank, Downy Mildew
Dosage: 160gm - 1.5kg
Symptom Vomit, Metallic tests pain in abomen, may collapse due to vascular collapse or acute renal failure.
First Aid Get stomach empty by lavage with milk or perferably 1% solution of potassium ferrocyanide. Wash contaminated skin and clothes and irrigate eyes with plenty of water.
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Technical Name: Carbendazim 50% WP
CIR No CIR - 19,862 / 94 / Carbendazim (WP)-402
Packing 10gm, 50gm, 100gm,250gm,500gm, 1kg
Crop: Paddy, Wheat, Barley, Tapioca, Moong, Cotton, Jute, Groundnut, Sugerbeet, Peas, Chillies, Bringl, Graps, Tobacco, Rose, Walnuts
Disease/Pest: Blast, Sheath Blight, Loose Smut, Set Rot, Leaf Spot, Tikka Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Coller Rot, Damping Off, Frog Eye Spot
Dosage: 100-200gm/ Acre
Symptom Nausea, voiting, abdominal pain, ilairhoea, if swallowd. When inhaled as fine dust irrigation to bronchail tubes and lungs tissues.
First Aid Induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat.
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